Monday, December 16, 2013

Last post of 2013!

I am working out everything about the upcoming Medusa publication. As I have previously said it will be available through Amazon and Lightning Source (for extended distribution). I am signing off until next year where I would have loads of great news! 

I will be returning on January the 19th!

See you next year!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

The last pages

I am still working on the last pages. I am a little lost on how some things should be visually. This is the finale and I feel it should be special. There are certain panels that changed completely and also the grey toning needs to be redone from scratch. Just hang in a little longer as I will be starting the lettering process soon after.I hope you are good!

Take care!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Publishing and trim sizes

Last week I referred that I am looking into the print on demand services available. I have come to the conclusion that I will use both Createspace (CS) and Lightening Source (LS). As I have gone through the reviews for both of these services it turns out it is best to use CS for the Amazon website and then use LS for extended distribution (meaning bookstores, online retailers, libraries and academic institutions). Here is the thing, CS offers extended distribution but bookstores and online retailers are boycotting anything that comes from CS (Amazon’s company). There is no such issue with LS.

I initially intended to have the comic available in A4 size. Unfortunately CS doesn’t offer that particular trim size (LS does) so I decided to have it in 7x10 inches, a size available in both companies. Next week we will talk about the digital versions of the comic!
Thank you for visiting!

See you next Sunday!
Take Care